
Blame wasabi. Always blame wasabi.

It's wasabi's fault. He listed his favorite songs of all time, so now I have to list mine.

First, these are my top five sentimental favorites:

1. Open Arms - Journey (It's "our song." Mock anything else with impunity, but mock this and I'll punch you in the throat.)
2. Old Man - Neil Young (The favorite song of my best friend who died several years back.)
3. The "Hockey Night In Canada" theme
4. Love Is Like Oxygen - Sweet
5. Feel Like Makin' Love - Bad Company

But this is my real Top Ten:

The Mummers' Dance - Loreena McKennitt

Peaches - The Stranglers

The Rage - Judas Priest

The Flesh Failures - Music from 'Hair'

Open The Gates - Fist

Running Free - Iron Maiden

Somewhere - Music from 'West Side Story'

Funeral for a Friend - Elton John

Spiderman (the cartoon) theme song

Johnny the Fox meets Jimmy the Weed - Thin Lizzy

Oh. I fixed your toilet the other day, dolly. If it's broken again it's your fault.
Some good choices of music in there, some sucky ones too :P

Oh very strange, the toilet seemed to work the whole time Sliq and lette were here, but yeah it's broken again. You scare me.
What a strangely eclectic selection, Galoot...says a lot about your personality. ;)

Don't you dare even think about MY toilet !! I have enough problems already.
How did ya manage to get on the IRON MAIDEN cover?? :D
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